ZINZER Kitchen Sink is mainly made up of Micronised Quartz powder, Imported Colour pigments, Monomer, Peroxides and cross linking agents. Quartz gives the strength and Monomer gives the Elegance.

Steel sinks do not offer Colours whereas ZINZER Kitchen Sinks are available in range of Colours. ZINZER Kitchen Sinks offers better Elegance than steel sinks. ZINZER Kitchen Sinks are noiseless whereas steel sinks makes lot of noise. Dents are not formed in ZINZER Kitchen Sinks whereas steel sinks can develop dents during its use. ZINZER Kitchen Sinks are totally hygienic whereas steel sinks tend to develop junk. ZINZER Kitchen Sinks are chemical resistant whereas steel sinks may degrade on exposure to strong chemicals.

Availability in various colours makes ZINZER Kitchen Sinks ideal for Designing, synergy with different material structures of the kitchen platform. ZINZER Kitchen Sinks are stain resistant, heat resistant, and scratch resistant and retains its Elegance even after many years of its usage.

 No, ZINZER Kitchen Sinks do not have any coating but Highly stable, imported Colour Pigments are mixed homogenously throughout the material so that it retains its colour throughout the Life of the sink.

 ZINZER Kitchen Sink is a Quality product which is meeting International standards of Quality. Quality is ensured by stringent inspection at each stage of its manufacturing, right from raw material, mixing, casting, machining, packing and till delivery.

ZINZER Kitchen Sinks carry a 5 years warranty against any manufacturing defects and in case of any such claim, the sink is replaced free of cost at the point of its purchase.

Yes, ZINZER Kitchen Sinks are highly chemical resistant. It is widely used in various laboratories and also Diamond cleaning industries. However prolonged exposure to highly concentrated Acids may dull the shine of the sink surface.

No, ZINZER Kitchen Sink will not get damaged even if any hot object is placed over its surface

The recommended way to clean ZINZER Kitchen Sink is to wash the surface with soap or detergent & warm water & then wipe it with a clean cloth. For regular kitchen use this procedure may serve the purpose well. Avoid using strong chemicals & hard abrasive substances to clean sink.

No, Once you clean ZINZER Kitchen Sink with soap or detergent, it washes off any stains or dirt. Ideally Heavy Stains should be cleaned off as soon as possible

We have tried to cover FAQs we have experienced earlier. However if you have any other Queries, please email it to us and we will be too pleased to revert back to you & resolve your queries.

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